More Articles from Tag Archives: florence wine and food
With a huge WSET (Wine and Spirits Education Trust) all-day wine exam coming up in June, my New Year resolution is to taste my way through every major wine region. Granted, it’s an ambitious task but necessary for my studies — all in the name of education. Presented with seemingly endless topics for […]
The holiday season always allows me to take pleasure in the epicurean opportunities that present themselves. In particular, I get the excuse to pair and consume what I believe may be one of the sexiest drinks in the world, sparkling wine. Not all sparkling wine is the same…. (CLICK HERE TO READ THE REST […]
Melissa Rollins from Florence Morning News did a piece on the new classes at Florence Darlington Technical College. Check it out…. (link to article)
Autumn has descended upon us and Thanksgiving is just around the corner. With the cold weather settling in, I contemplated writing about a ‘big red’ that I know many of you drool over. I quickly realized, however, that I could not ignore one of the biggest events in the wine world that occurs this time […]
School has started, and it’s back to the hustle and bustle of life. Before we realize, the holidays will be upon us. We need time to ourselves; time to slow down and relax. With all the stresses in life, one must have an outlet for the purpose of keeping our sanity. My elixir of sanity […]
Motivation and ideas for writing come from a variety of avenues. Sometimes it’s what I am drinking at that moment or through a conversation with a friend. It can also be, as in this case, stimulated from assisting with a private wine dinner. Recently, I had the pleasure of selecting wines and speaking for, what […]
People often ask me,“ What is your favorite wine?” The standard answer is, yes. I think as you branch out and try different wines you will see that comparing them is sometimes like comparing apples and oranges, not to sound cliché. I think a lot depends on mood, time of day, temperature, food, barometric pressure…. […]
With spring now in full bloom, much of our focus shifts to the outdoors. While it may still be cold and snowing in the North and Midwest, we are enjoying the pleasures of the sunny south. This is the time of year when we look at events that are taking advantage of our beautiful weather. […]
I have recently agreed to start doing reviews for a few different brands. With all of these reviews, I offer a disclaimer. Dark Horse Chardonnay This is a classic style California Chardonnay with unctuous notes of peach nectar, rich apple blossom and a ‘toasted’ component that presents as cedar and kernel. The viscous mouth […]
My tastes seem to wax and wane with the different seasons. Winter’s cold and rain have me craving port-style wine in the evenings. With Spring right around the corner, however, I find myself trading these heavier wines for a lighter, fresher beverage. What a great opportunity to discuss one of my favorite categories, sparkling wines. […]