| Arroyo Grande Valley | Arroyo Seco | Ben Lomond Mountain | Carmel Valley | Chalone | Cienega Valley | Edna Valley | Hames Valley | Lime Kiln Valley | Livermore Valley | Monterey | Mt. Harlan | Pacheco Pass | Paicines | Paso Robles | San Antonio Valley | San Benito | San Bernabe | San Francisco Bay | San Lucas | San Ysidro District | Santa Clara Valley | Santa Cruz Mountains | Santa Lucia Highlands | Santa Maria Valley | Sta. Rita Hills | Santa Ynez Valley | York Mountain |
- Located in eastern Monterey County, California
- It was established as an AVA in 1984
- It runs roughly 100 miles from its northern point, north of Monterey Bay to its southern point bordering Paso Robles, California
- Includes both the Carmel Valley and the Salinas Valley
- Seven smaller American Viticultural Areas (Arroyo Seco AVA, Carmel Valley AVA, Hames Valley AVA, San Antonio Valley AVA, San Bernabe AVA, San Lucas AVA, Santa Lucia Highlands AVA)
- The northern portion is a cool growing region, but one with a very long growing season
- The southern part of the Monterey AVA is much hotter (reaching 100 degrees at times)
- The soil is sandy and most regions require extensive irrigation from the Salinas River
- Over 50% of the grapes grown in the Monterey AVA are chardonnay
- In the northern area, riesling and pinot noir are popular
- In the south, Bordeaux varietals are most often grown